Elisabetta Canalis in a bikini: leathery hot mess, or quite lovely?


These are photos of Elisabetta Canalis and George Clooney in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for the holidays. They haven’t really been too perturbed by photographers, which is interesting. It’s like Clooney is saying “this is my official lady for a while, whatever.” And Eli is getting a little face-time with Clooney for the paparazzi, which she must enjoy immensely. She doesn’t seem to go anywhere in Mexico fully-clothed – in nearly all photos she’s wearing her string bikini, with at most a men’s button-down shirt as a half-assed coverup. And what an ass, eh? Clooney has been with that ass for a year and a half, y’all. That ass is magic.


Since we recently dissected Megan Fox’s bikini body (I thought she looked fine, others didn’t agree), let’s do the same to Elisabetta, shall we? I can’t help it, I know the face and neck are “mannish” but the body is incredible. I would love to have her figure. Not her skin, though. She’s gotten too much sun, and her skin looks leathery, even from this distance. So here’s what I would take – everything from below the neck, minus the leather. Funny, I think that’s probably how Clooney ordered her too. HA.

SIDENOTE: When I heard Elisabetta speak, you know who she reminded me of? I finally placed it! Apollonia from The Godfather. You know, Michael’s first wife who dies. It’s uncanny.





Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin.

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94 Responses to “Elisabetta Canalis in a bikini: leathery hot mess, or quite lovely?”

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  1. esblondie says:

    I think her body is slammin’, but don’t like her face.

    I really just can’t believe that George has lasted this long…she must be doing something right.

    Or is it….wrong?

  2. nnn says:

    She has a beautiful body and when she was younger, her face was rounder more feminine and just gorgeous.

  3. RHONYC says:

    i ain’t mad at her abs in pic # 3, so i vote quite lovely.

    note: her face IS being obscured by her hat.

    jussayin. 🙂

  4. danielle says:

    Incredible figure, a little too much sun. Puppy!!!!

  5. Heavenbound says:

    She does have an awesome body. These pic’s make me resume going back to the gym. I have been slaking for 2 months.

  6. REALIST says:

    Oh, the puppy is cute!-and it’s a mutt-so maybe Elisabeta is at least an animal lover!
    The mismatched top and bottom-unfortunate-and is that her ass is in someone’s face?
    No more critiques-at 47, that kind of body is an oh-so-distant-memory for me.

  7. Sumodo1 says:

    Puppy? No, she’s just a whore.

  8. brin says:

    Yes, definitely a great body. I know what my New Year’s resolution is!

  9. WhiteNoise says:

    She’s got a great body and a really attractive face imo. I don’t get ‘mannish’ at all, just strong with great bone structure.

  10. peanut says:

    I wouldnt complain if I looked like that.

  11. T. says:

    Where’s the leather? I mean, where?

  12. Kaboom says:

    I think the word we’re looking for is smokin’

  13. Eleonor says:

    Great body yep.
    @T:Her skin colour is like the leather, too much sun.

  14. CharlieHorse says:

    sorry don’t like this chick…aren’t these mexico pics old?? the same ones on etonline from last year. the date is on them. whatever. is the purpose of these photos for us to envy her with him or envy her body? what? if you are truly happy and in love isn’t privacy the one thing you want most of all? why is everything for sale with these people? just askin….

  15. Anti-icon says:

    I can see why George keeps her around….and yes, I still think George is hot…and a dedicated bachelor…and straight. So sue me. I got to keep some illusions….even in gossip.

  16. Steve says:

    Scary hot!!!!!

  17. OtherChris says:

    Oh people, she’s got an amazing body right now, but in ten years even her arms are going to be a wrinkled mess, like a 70-year old Palm Beach matron. She better get that money now while she still can.

  18. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I HATE the top to that bikini. C’mon, it really looks ridiculous. Get another color.

    Her body is slamming but her face is man like.

    Sorry but..

  19. REALIST says:

    @ Sumodo1-don’t you see the DOG (a.k.a. Canis lupus familiaris) in the first two pictures? Then again, I guess we could suppose without the snip-snip, dogs could be whores, too…

  20. summer_solstice says:

    She looks good. I would be surprised if they lasted another 6 months.

  21. irishserra says:

    Yep, She’s a Butterface.

  22. atorontogal says:

    Personally I think George is in love with Cindy Crawford. He is looking for a woman who looks like her. Notice he spends every vacation with her and Randy??

  23. guesty says:

    her ass in a word is…asstastic. & her abs are phenomenal. gorgeous.

  24. lrm says:

    yes, amazing ass.
    and i normally think he body is amazing, but i find her a bit too thin here-she looks druggie thin-cocaine thin not heroin chic.

    just sayin’.
    i dont see the leathery [thoug i am sure the sun will catch up with her], just she’s scrawny righ tnow. and no, i would not want to look that thin. [though i am a size 6 and have been for 20 years of adulthood-so i am not particularly jealous…i’ve travelled and lived abroad alot, seen many beautiful beaches and islands-lol(: i don’t want to go to cabo, and i live in san diego. ]
    Just a qualifier, lest we get the jealous hater card thrown. ha ha.
    happy new year everyone!

  25. Anti-icon says:

    #22/ YES, I have also thought the same about Clooney and Cindy Crawford. The resemblance between this girlfriend and CC is obvious!

  26. CharlieHorse says:

    maybe someone can explain the “celebrity” mentality to me. is it that they are so insecure they need to be looked at and photographed in order to feel special and valued? there are so many actors who are never snapped in private moments..it makes me wonder what is missing if someone as famous as clooney has to show off his gfs body to feel validated. i think that’s called exploitation and it’s mercenary not loving. as for her, if he is her man then why isn’t she keeping that body under wraps for him? something’s just off here.

  27. Mouse says:

    Ugh what is with the trend of two colored two pieces? Tan and black? Bleh.

  28. 4Real says:

    If only I was a hot mess like her. I’d be okay with that!

  29. Tazina says:

    I see no leather and what’s wrong with her face? It’s got great bone structure. It must be a desperate ploy to find “some” fault with her.

  30. Kiska says:

    Her body is enviable.

  31. Crash says:

    Someone needs to tell her about skin cancer.

  32. tuscan sun says:

    She has an incredible body.

    But I wonder how attractive it’s going to be when the melanoma starts showing up? Why, why, why do people play russian roulette with skin cancer like this?

  33. dread pirate cuervo says:

    She’s got a hot body, but can’t she get the Clooney to buy her a matching bikini? I hate that mismatched style.

  34. danielle says:

    Oh, no I didn’t mean she looks like a dog when I said puppy. I meant “Who cares about her – Look at the cute puppy!”

  35. sarah says:

    She looks a lot thinner than she did a few months ago and I preferred her look then. She’s still very attractive though.

  36. Jayna says:

    I think she is naturally striking. And she has a beautiful figure. Where you got leathery skin is beyond me. Her skin looks amazing. She’s on vacation and has a tan and she’s Italian, so has darker skin anyway.

  37. LT says:

    I wonder how much amazing fried cheesy delicious foods she misses out on to have that body.

    I’ll take my mozzerella sticks any day. 😉

  38. Jackson says:

    Beautiful body. Athletic and fit. Better, IMHO, than the Bar Raf pics in the other post. That one needs to tone up!

  39. REALIST says:

    PSA: I had a mole removed off my back that was “caught in time”-it was malignant melanoma. I was 34 at the time, and raised in the South, where tanning was almost a recreational activity. Melanoma is the “bad one”-if it spreads (penetrates into the connective tissue), it can cause death literally in months, and the initially promising NIH research is not going well as planned. For me, it’s like a time bomb, and the moles are on my back, dammit.
    Then there is basal cell and squamous cell, not fatal, but a hassle-my dad (now 90, spent his whole life in Michigan) has had repeated radiation treatment for a lesion of his leg (he’s the squamous, I think). My sister, who lives in Cali, waited too long to have a basal (?) lesion taken off her chin, and now she has a nasty little scar because she had to have some reconstructive surgery done on her lower lip..
    Most of the genetic damage is done in youth, but I don’t quite get that part. Even in adulthood, it still helps to stay out of the sun.

  40. islandwalker says:

    She has that Italian/ olive toned skin, just like I do. I can go out in the sun one day, full sunscreen head to toe and get that dark. She’s got an amazing body and what everyone calls a manly face, I think of as great, strong bone structure. I don’t get the hate towards this woman. Is she an opportunist? Sure. Would you have been given the chance? Sure. They are adults, Clooney knows the score. Live and let live.

  41. cici says:

    No way is this leathery! Leather is Donatella V. this girl looks beautiful, manly face included. I like her look.

  42. Manda says:

    That puppy looks just like my Pit Bull puppy. Same markings and everything. Except mine is bigger now. Awwe. She has a nice body, but way to much tan time. Ages you super fast, not to mention skin cancer. BUT GC has lots of money for health bills. Ha-Ha

  43. Liana says:

    If I woke up one morning to discover that I had that body, I probably wouldn’t be shedding too many tears.

  44. DiMi says:

    Her body is fantastic. She just got a bit too much sun on her arms and shoulders. She’s beautiful, too, but seems very cold. Even the dog doesn’t warm up her image. Why doesn’t George ever look at her? It’s odd. I’ve never seen him look at her like he’s in love with her or even like he likes her. There’s something strange going on there.

  45. spotchecker says:

    @ #14, 26 CharlieHorse

    these pictures are being put out to coincide w/ the release of ‘the amercian’ on dvd today. that’s all.

  46. Seer says:

    Her body is beautiful! Don’t like the necklace, the bathing suit is so so, and the dog looks like he’s suffering from heat stroke! Poor thing!

  47. CharlieHorse says:

    spotchecker..i still don’t get it …are you saying they are posting these photos to sell a dvd and are not exploiting their private moments ?? i did not make the connection as i did not know about the dvd.

  48. December says:

    I’m Ukrainian and there’s two skin types there: pale and sunburn easy, or instantly tan skin whenever your skin is exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, I’m one of those who tans whenever the sun hits my skin. It’s been that way since I was little. Italians are very well known for that as well. You have the pale variety, and you have the tan variety.

    Elisabettta’s obviously the kind that her skin just naturally tans, whether she wants it to or not. Her skin doesn’t look leathery at all, just a beautiful natural tan. We’re probably not used to that since most of the celebs in Hollywood have to use self tanner and tanning beds to acheive that look.

  49. CharlieHorse says:

    and spotchecker unless one of them was holding the dvd what you said does not make any sense.

  50. dahlia47 says:

    She looks ok i guess. Her back looks gross in the second pic and her skin looks really toasted!!

  51. observer says:

    These pics were obviously staged, again, for what is obviously another publicity photo op. Anyone would have to be an idiot to not realize by now that this relationship is fake and only for publicity purposes.

    I don’t envy her body. She has short bowlegs and a long torso with no waist definition. In other words, she has a body like a twelve year old boy’s. Add to that the only reason she’s thin is because she uses cocaine. She’s too lazy to stay thin the normal way, just like she’s too lazy to learn how to act or say her lines on Leverage. Regarding her ass, it is completely different than it looked last spring in Hawaii, so she definitely had work done on it. I guess all her money goes to plastic surgery and drugs.

    CharlieHorse, I agree with your comments. This behavior does not add up for a couple that’s truly in love.

    As for the Canalis trashy publicity team posting here, whatever. No one is buying what you’re selling.

  52. observer says:

    Her skin is quite leathery, and she already has wrinkles. These pics were taken by their personal pap/photographer and as such only the best pics were chosen and also were retouched before being released. There are other pics out there in which the leathery wrinkled skin is apparent.

  53. Aries_Mira says:

    I don’t find being able to count someone’s ribs attractive (pic #4), or the too-much-sun look. Yuck.

  54. Jeannified says:

    She looks fantastic in these pics. Her face does look kind of mannish, but not in these pictures.

  55. Mizz Tickles says:

    Now only if Bar could smile like Elisabetta 🙂

  56. Spotchecker – on the money. George always pimps himself and whatever girl he is doing when he has something coming out or when he is pushing for an award. The interest in his ‘love life” is part of the reason that he still has interest. Otherwise, what would the press write about him. He is almost 50 – no longer good looking leading man material. His films don’t really make huge money anymore, George is refusing to do press junkets, he isn’t winning any acting awards so he uses his showmance girlfriend to keep the press engaged in him. The tipped off pap pictures put him in the magazines and blogs – who in conjunction with running the photos will talk about how his film has just come out on DVD. Cross promotion people. That’s why he has the girlfriends around when the film he has coming out are not the Oceans type of film. Oceans 13 – no girlfriend. Leatherheads and Michael Clayton – Vegas girlfriend. Up in the Air, Men who stare at goats & The American – Italian girlfriend. When he has a film coming out that doesn’t have a built in opening weekend audience, a girl just happens to be on his arm two months out from the film release.
    Girl on the arm of the uber bachelor gets press – then he can use that press attention to sell his product – be it a film, a charity, an endorsement or plainly himself. Do you really think the paps just happen to find him & this girl everywhere on the planet without either of them tipping the paps off? This is the plan for them both – get press, create buzz to try and land jobs. If George stops having the media write about him then his career is dead in the water. There are always more talented, younger actors coming up through the ranks. He needs to whore out his so-called private life to keep interest. He is directing a film next year and has just signed on the act in another. The best directors aren’t banging on his door and he isn’t getting a mass of film offers. All his film roles now are some version of being the image of “George Clooney” – a loner unable to maintain a relationship, damaged and untrusting whilst wearing a good suit. George has become another Hollywood cliché.

  57. Lynne says:

    Gorgeous body……face? Yikes.

  58. Jackson says:

    LOL! Am I part of the ‘Canalis trashy publicity team’ too because I like how she looks?? Unlike some, I have no axe to grind against her. I’m sorry she romps around with GC and you don’t.

  59. FatJennyFromBurgerBlock says:

    Geez…I’m beginning to get the feeling Clooney is in love with this skinny bitch. ::that is all::

  60. CB Rawks says:

    Not as scary as Kelly Bensimon.

  61. KelBear says:

    She is a Butterface.

  62. Isa says:

    Wow! I wish I had her body and my face!
    If I had her body, I probably wouldn’t bother with a coverup at all. Actually, you probably would have a difficult time getting me to wear clothes at all!

  63. tattoofreak says:

    Wow, she looks REALLY good.

  64. It is interesting that they seem to be “spotted” together when one of them has something to sell and then rarely any other time as they seem to be in different countries when they are not parading for the press. Him – Sudan, her – LA. Him – LA, her – Mexico, him – New York & Kentucky, her – Italy. And that is just the last couple of months. They have been this way throughout the whole relationship. No wonder it has lasted this long – they are rarely in the same place at the same time for long so they don’t get sick of each other.
    They were not together for months other than the odd day together where she was flown in for press reasons (the same way his previous relationship with the Vegas waitress worked). Together in Milan in September (Armani press whoring) – prelude to his trip to the Sudan to drum up media interest. No further sightings until New York in late November – he gets an award and her film in Italy is released that coming week. No further sightings. Source allegedly spots them in LA getting Chinese (no pap shot) a week or so ago – which just happens to be the weekend her bought Leverage episodes go to air in the States. Now Mexico together the very week that his last film is being released on DVD and his production company gets a cut of the profits from its sale. Very interesting and not at all suspicious or exploitative of the paps for their own personal benefit (insert sarcasm here).

  65. Sassy says:

    Nice bod. Face, not so much. And waaaay too much sun.

  66. Heather says:

    This will come off catty, I know…but whatever doctor made her a woman did a good job. 😉

  67. spotchecker says:

    @ #49, 50 CharlieHorse

    see #62 bored at work.

    also see # 52 by Observer since they agree w/ you.
    poppy, w/ whom Observer has exchanged ‘words’, posted ‘inside info’ [?…] @ contractual obligations of both parties, previously, p5 or p6 on this site about now. [the one where she “.wants to have his baby”!!!]
    -they don’t have to be actually holding the dvd to be promoting it, although, that couldn’t be any more stupid than everything else that happened, here. funnier, perhaps, but no less stupid.

    @ #57 Jackson
    and for anyone who likes how she looks, that’s not the point. i could give a rat’s ass @ that. it’s her sense of entitlement about getting ahead b/c of her body/looks, when she really should take acting lessons. there are a lot of nice ‘pieces’ in line ahead of her with far more talent and experience to begin with. these pictures are used as a distraction.

  68. crtb says:

    She has a nice body however she could gain a few pounds. I don’t care to see someone’s ribs. Great tummy, boobs and leggs. Ugly face and thick neck.

  69. Hmmm says:

    Wow, George looks really old in relation to her.

  70. nnn says:

    # 52 Observer

    I don’t think a 12 years old will have that waist definition as in picture 3.

    That’s a woman body right there, not the one of a juvenile.

    And calling people who don’t share YOUR opinion on something as personal as beauty taste, ‘trashy team’ is very classy indeed and show how better than us you are….NOT

  71. CharlieHorse says:

    thanks bored at work you made more sense of this charade than spotchecker could. we as the viewing public are supposed to connect this photo op with the release of a dvd? we’re supposed to look at a scantily clad girl and want to run out and buy his video? whoever is getting paid for that brainstorm should be fired and have to return all the money. i did not knw about the dvd until spotchecker mentioned it and these photos would not make me want to buy anything except maybe sunscreen. what kind of stupidity is this?

  72. poof says:

    She looks fantastic. let’s call a spade a spade. People need to stop being so jealous.

  73. Kim says:

    She is in great shape but her skin looks a little leathery. Italians are into that though. I agree with some others posting – she could stand to gain a few pds. Women always look better w curves.

  74. Fue McCormick says:

    I think she looks good … and she could be wearing 100 sunblock and have a spray-on tan. I do find it odd, though, that she’s not wearing a hat or sunglasses in all but one photo.

  75. Lorenzo says:

    My oh my, now after reading the comments I’m sure there’s something wrong with my eyes. Too sad, I can’t see the beautiful legs and the great body, where is it?? All I can see is a mummy on the beach.
    Off to buy glasses.

  76. observer says:

    The daily mail ran a shot of her half naked refurbished butt. She paid good money for that butt, after all, and she wants to make sure people see it. For anyone who thinks these pics are candids and not from staged photo ops, I have some nice swampland to sell you. They were taken by her personal pap/photographer, the best ones were chosen and retouched, then gradually released to the press over a few days’ time to try to get more “exposure.” Because nothing says “I’m in love and not a famewhore” like showing your ass crack to the world.

  77. Dannnii says:

    she looks nice, but the lady with the puppy is slammin!

  78. what a joke says:

    I wonder if the real reason she is forming a distraction is connected to clooney’s financial support of the satellites directed at sudan.

    Something is rotten & it is not the fish. Another aspect is that george is/has slowly necome a man without a backbone, confidence or true authentic presence.

    Rumour has it that stan told him he needs to look he has a long term relationship until he starts his movie with sandra bullock. Then his “love” will transfer to bullock. This is pathetic.

    So george, stan, & elisabetta it has been said you are reading these commentys too. Well oit tells me that not one of you have a complete brain between all of you. All of you are being ridiculed and deservedly so. If bullock joins up for this soap opera later than that only proves the rumours & whispers were correct. You guys think you are hysterical. I think professional help is needed. The multiple postings by you & paid muscle is so damn obvious. If you guys are dooing cocaine or whatever-STOP! Not that uyou guys will listen unbalanced minds reek of unbalanced & distorted thinking.
    Sorry to burst your illusionary bubbles but all of you are looking ridiculous which obviously what you are into. Show some common sense george for once or have you forgotten what that is? Bad mouthing people to ruin their careers, trying to make people look mentally unstable, threatening or intimidating people are so passe & sad as well as horrible that you george have allowed stan, elisabetta, and other clowns around you to do.

    Just know the nexty line of attack on anyone in any shape or form will continue your own undoing.discrediting is pointless too. I am calling all of you out on your bs because it is time for it all to end before one of yopu get seriously hurt.
    Elisabetta is explosive because she learned as a little girl that is how to get her way. Time to grow ms. Mafioso you are on that island all by yourself & soon that will become very apparent. Good luck you guys-YOU SO BADLY NEED IT. YOU ALL LOOK SO DAMN DESPERATE! I cannot laugh only cry at what I see. What a tragedy for george stan is only encouraging youi because you are one huge dollart sign. Think about it….

  79. let's not forget says:

    This farce is the biggest act of hypocrisy I have seen in a long time. George has truly fucked up his life, career, and romantic relationships listerning to people who have truly sociopathic tendencies. The sad thing is how every one is dogging you behind george’s back & the person who runs his pr is tryiong to emulate him as well as the rest of the dips surrounding him.
    Sad thing is clooney will more than likely instead of using god given common sense will listen to those whose hands are in his p
    ockets & think their word is god instead of
    thinking for himself. George picks these WELL KNOWN IN MANY CIRCLES hookers, drug addicts,mentally disturbed women and whitewash their entire lives. Canalis has learned just like larson,allen, talley, and the entire escort world that if u lay on your back & moan just right the payday is huge! All of are getting called on this shit. I am also tired of seeing people attacked for speaking the truth. The only phoniness I see is what is going on right here. Shame on all of you! This is fucking pathetic!!!!!!

  80. Balmoral says:

    Negative comments about people that are famous but actually perfect strangers is a strange habit. There
    is no question that George can have whatever George wants so if he chooses Elisabetta and she is happy to
    be chosen why not just be Happy for these 2 people
    who are gracious with their celebrity never act like other tacky stars and seem to be fun loving outdoors
    types swimming playing tanning drinking working
    hell I LOVE George he is a class act and always behaves like a gentleman as for Elisabetta she is cute and sassy nothing manish about this lady !
    Her body ROCKS and her ass is fantastic !
    Way to go GEORGE !!!

  81. give me a break says:

    censoring is bad too. i see her team and whomever they have coerced on clooney’s side is out full throttle. truth is truth. deal with it.

    a lot of us love george and want him to get a grip and wake up. he needs to use his brain for once.

    canalis, your pr team, stan all of you need to get slapped in your head for this nonsense. shame on ya!

  82. the truth has finally arrived says:

    it is about time all of this garbage has spilled out in the open.

    rumour has it george is in love with someone but the stanster and the powers that be was not pleased with the choice. so they pleasantly tapped george in the direction of yet another golddigging “worldly” substance abuser.

    when is clooney going to realize that his worse enemies are the ones he placed in his own backyard?

    do not have around people with dysfunctions that can overpower what you are dealing with or trying to live out their fantasies by using you for the experiment?

    everyone needs to forget about trying to reach george as a real friend. his own pr team and some other selected goons with make your life a living hell if you speak out. in fact, whatever it takes to ruin you is their motto.

    it is very easy to get out of this arrangement. first of all-DON’T DO THEM!

    now to the next aspect-BE WITH WHO YOU REALLY WANT TO AND THE HELL WITH YOUR PR/MOVIE STUDIO WANTS YOU TO DO. for them it is all about control and money as well as funding their bad habits like booze, alcohol,gambling etc. be smarter than that.

    if this was not the truth then why do this information gets buried on the internet?

    think about it people…..happy new year!

  83. WhiteNoise says:

    Obsessive alert. 79, 80, 82 and 83 are the same person. They like to remain anonymous but their obsession always outs them. S/he posts this garbage all over the internet.

    “a lot of us love george…”

    Obsession is not love. It’s its deranged and very scary cousin.

  84. it is rigged says:

    Lol. Thank you celebitchy, clooney & canalis teams for outing youself! I wonder how long it would take.

    Fear of losing your goldmine is quite scary. No one is obsessive here, just smart of enough to know that u are stupid enough given the right amount of rope will hang yourself. Thank u for showing me exactly how fearful u are. Now you have gotten a taste of what it feels like when scum like some of you go around destroying lives because of power trips. The only thing is that this information came from in your ranks.

    That is what karma is all about. Now most of yours have been called in. This should keep u busy right up to jan. 1. About the we love george. Yeah that is true for many people think he means well but the sharks around him like yourselves need to go. The obsession is to get rid of low energy lying scumbags in Hollywood.
    It is only a little while longer. Thank God by March changes will be bound. What you have all I can say is-May GOd have mercy on your soul.

  85. Crazy Queen says:

    Someone here commits truly heroic deeds. He deserves to get the title of pure blood’s knight. Long live the New Year, long live the Camelot!

  86. Don’t forget says:

    In mining there is a one concept – barren rock. George is not a barren rock at all, and it is a fact. And so we congratulate Nick…and of course Nina, and we wish them health and long life! They don’t have to worry for their son, because that’s what they taught him will play a leading note. And it is good.

  87. She's Done says:

    the crazies sure do talk some trash when they go off their meds…way to kill the thread losers….canalis pr or merely the lunatic fringe and, can anyone tell the difference?

  88. my,my,my says:

    @she’s done. What happened did someone(s) get the ax & you are pissed off about it? Lol

    Elisabetta gets a little bitchy, mean and vindictive when she does not get her way as well as a few others in this whacked circle.

    The ones that seem to be the craziest is the ones that talked george yet again a pr disaster.

    Watch your words very carefully karma bites hard. Besides it takes one to know one. It is refreshing to see truth for a change.

    Peace be with you…

  89. horse says:

    she’s ugly short and drug, smoke, alchool aged her very much!
    look at the old pictures and paparazzed Haway photos and find the difference in her body: boobs and ass (before remodelling and silicon)!
    she lost a lot of weight thanks to cocaine!

  90. antonio says:

    this is her real body before remodelling her flabby ass and liposuction cellulite, this is a 2008 paparzzed photo:
    she dated with Davide Rombolotti the drug dealer!
    she claims her name in a drug & ho0ker investigation since 2008 in Italy!

  91. elle says:

    even a drug dealer couldn’t stay with her if she was sexy at all any man from the dozen she had had kept her but no it did not happend

  92. anon says:

    Here we go again….it’s “The One” story! Also, whomever is typing up these “stories” needs to learn how to spell and use actual words in their sentences.

  93. halo says:

    the woman don’t have waist even in pic 3 the chemise around her waist look at others she have body of a boy not a woman